Thursday, March 19, 2009

Car Window Decals (Part 2)

"What's going on with the practice of having big white letters on car windshields that designate the make or model of the vehicle?"

To me this is a silly practice.  More often than not I can tell what make or model a vehicle is just by glancing at the vehicle.  If I'm really stumped I'll just look at the back end of the vehicle to read the markings that the manufacturer has put on the vehicle.  I don't need big white letters on the windshield to tell me I'm looking at a "Pontiac", a "Ford", a "Camaro", or a "Firebird."

Now, I know what your saying.  The big white letters are put on by the manufacturer.  That's a fine argument for me, but don't you think that some people have these markings put on after they have purchased the vehicle?

Would you buy a vehicle that had the big white letters on the windshield sporting the make or model?  Would you ever add this nice touch to any car that you purchase?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is generally done by car enthusiasts. They want to flaunt their hardware. I have some respect for it when it ends up looking cool, but a lot of the time you might as well just paste the word "hoopty" on that windshield.
