Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Huge bummer!!!

I've been out of work for two days now.  Fortunately, this is not a permanent situation.  Just waiting for my contract to be signed off on and I'm back to work.  Without further ado:

"What am I suppose to do with my free time during the day?"

I've always felt that if I didn't have to work a real job that I would get so much more done, but I'm starting to think that this is a fallacy.  Taking a day off of work to get caught up on things is quite different than taking a day off for vacation.  With a vacation day you are expected to do nothing all day, but with just a day off you are geared up to do chores or other things that need done.

What happens though, is that you end up doing a couple chores, but then you decide it's time to relax.  This is a bad situation to get into because then you don't finish the other tasks that you set out to do on your day off.  I guess a free day off isn't really a day off after all because you end up not accomplishing anything.

How do you feel about non-vacation days off of works?  Do you think you end up wasting more of the day or are you productive?

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